Perhaps it is a novel or maybe a movie. There is action, conflict, love and
characters that capture your interest and even your heart—the best stories
have all of this and more. But the central element to any truly great story
are the characters. Characters that make you cringe, cry, laugh, cheer, or
wonder. Characters that move you to empathize with their hurt, anger, fear,
ambition or joy. Characters that tug on your heart strings because they
remind you of someone, or yourself…
I love to get lost in a good story; to be reminded that all of us have a story to
tell…the plot just unfolds differently for each of us. It is inspiring to be
reminded of how different characters grow with each challenge they
encounter. It is good to be reminded of our common humanity; how even as we experience life in different places and times, ordinary people keep doing extraordinary things and kindness and love still shine through the darkness. It is comforting to gain some perspective or find solidarity with others who have had similar experiences. We need to be reminded that doing the right thing at the right time is a positive thing. And that it is still possible for good to triumph over evil.
This triumph, or victory, is evident each day at Pathways as real people
confront the challenges of their very real stories and make choices to
change and grow—to break old cycles and build new foundations. This
victorious life transformation is real. It is the plot of the Easter story. And it
is the kind of story we can all relate to and celebrate. Your gift to Haywood
Pathways Center is an investment in the stories of hope and victory of the
men, women, parents and children that, for a while, call Pathways home.
May Your Story Be Blessed,
Mandy Haithcox
Executive Director