Served 86,298 Meals
(19,104 from Holy Cow Food Truck)
Provided 20,001 Nights of Shelter

Provided 20,001 Nights of Shelter
Provided 80 Unique Individuals with 403 nights of Cold Grace Shelter

Provided 80 Unique Individuals with 403 nights of Cold Grace Shelter

Sheltered 233 Unique Individuals
172 Men and Women
23 Parents and 38 Children

60% of individuals
86% of families
Exited to Housing or moved back in with Family

73% Have Stable Monthly Income
63 Employed
84% Working Full-Time


Haywood Pathways Episode 78

Haywood Pathways Episode 78

Empty Bowls

Golf Outing



Groundbreaking Mom & Kids Dorm

Groundbreaking Mom & Kids Dorm

Residents treated to Music Night

Little girl shares with the Shelter

Residents treated to Music Night