Served 86,298 Meals
(19,104 from Holy Cow Food Truck)
Provided 20,001 Nights of Shelter

Provided 20,001 Nights of Shelter
Provided 80 Unique Individuals with 403 nights of Cold Grace Shelter

Provided 80 Unique Individuals with 403 nights of Cold Grace Shelter

Sheltered 233 Unique Individuals
172 Men and Women
23 Parents and 38 Children

60% of individuals
86% of families
Exited to Housing or moved back in with Family

73% Have Stable Monthly Income
63 Employed
84% Working Full-Time

21 Day Program

Program Goals

The program our guest are entering is a program designed to assist them in learning what the Bible says concerning their life and possible relationship with God.

The Bible says:

• God wants to reconcile them to Himself through their trust and commitment in his Son, Jesus Christ.
• Daily personal Bible study and application of Biblical principles lead to wholeness in a person’s life.

This program lasts three weeks. An extension of stay or acceptance into another program depends on their satisfactory progress in and completion of this program.

If Guest leave prematurely without completing this program, they will be disqualified from returning to the shelter for 10 days!

Their Commitment:

1. I will be diligent in completing all Bible studies and assigned work. I will be on time and prepared for my regular counseling sessions.
2. I will take whatever action is required on my part to complete the entire 21 day program.
3. I will meet with the Director to fill out the Empowerment Commitment Contract.
4. I will spend the daytime hours working or looking for full-time work. I will discuss employment opportunities with the program Director prior to accepting new employment.
5. I will sign up for and attend classes at Meridian. I will provide the Director with a list of said classes.
6. I will use the resources of Career Connections to the fullest. I will attend their workshops on how to develop job retention skills while I am seeking employment.
7. I will apply for a minimum of 10 jobs per week.
8. I will volunteer at various non-profits within the area to work on job skills and communication.
9. On day 14 I will make an appointment with the Director to complete the VI-SPDAT form for housing.
10. I will be cooperative with all volunteer staff and personnel.
11. I will not use profanity or abusive language at any time or in any situation during this program.
12. I will keep staff informed about where I am going, who I will be with, and when I will return.
13. I will not keep or use an unauthorized motor vehicle.
14. I will not use any non-prescription drug (alcohol, meth, marijuana, cocaine, etc.) nor will I abuse or misuse any medication prescribed for me.
15. I will attend devotions each night and attend a local church on Sunday.
16. I will open a savings account to deposit the majority of my earnings, if I am working.
I understand that my residence at the Haywood Pathways Center depends on my willingness to follow the above program standards with a positive attitude.

Click to Print, Date, & Sign Application